WCC 2002 delegates. From left to right: Lesley Morgan-Blythe (ACF), Penny Bydlinski (WCC secretary/treasurer) Dewane Barnes (TICA vice-president), Anneliese Hackmann (WCF president), Don Williams (WCC vice-chairman, CFA president), Alva Uddin (WCC chairman) and Eric Reijers (FIFe president).
The 2002 Congress was hosted by the World Cat Federation and took place in the Golden Ring hotel in the centre of Moscow, on 9/10 March. It was sponsored by Royal Canin, Bayer, IV San Bernard and Merial and was extremely well organised.

The scene in the lecture room during the seminar.
The weekend started with a breeds seminar which took place in the well-equipped lecture theatre of the hotel. The visiting delegates all took part in this seminar speaking about various breeds. There was a translator on hand at all times for the benefit of the 200 or so Russian speaking people attending.

The scene in the lecture room during the seminar.
The event was well covered by the media and most of the delegates were interviewed for television.

Alva Uddin being interviewed by Russian television.
The seminar was followed by a very lively open meeting in which the audience took full part; asking questions and sometimes giving arguments to the visiting delegates.
On the Sunday the sponsors mounted lectures in their respective fields of expertise whilst the delegates attended the closed meeting.
The hospitality was remarkable and despite the bitterly cold Moscow winter the delegates had an enjoyable visit to some of the treasures of this famous city.
The Minutes of the meeting are available for download.