ACF 2011 Executive
Australian Cat Federation Inc
The ACF Inc Annual General Meeting and National Show was held in Brisbane on the traditional weekend which was a little longer than normal, because of the effects of volcanic ash from Chile which caused much of our airspace to be closed for some days. But the show went on!
The Guild seminar (and indeed the judging floor) featured judges from all continents other than Antarctica (no great surprise!) and some excellent presentations happened at the ACF Judges' Guild Seminar among which were; Carlos Lopez (TICA, Argentina) was particularly interesting on Bengals; Don Finger (ACFA, USA) contributed much on Selkirk Rex; local, Julie Walker (ACF) presented Turkish Vans and Adam Woodward (ACF) revealed a great deal of much interest about the subtle nuances of Tonkinese.

Australian Bombay
Finally, ACF accepted the Australian Bombay! This breed (derived from black British SH and brown Burmese ("European style") has been on provisional level with ACF since 1997 because until this year, no live examples were presented for inspection. Congratulations to breeders Carole Galli (ACF) and Michele Ristuccia (CCCA) who put together a combined approach, with Carole's thought-provoking powerpoint probably winning the day!
It was decided that ACF would institute a policy of total (annual) renewal of standard books in a less 'sophisticated' form - a disposable one, such as used by CFA. Dm colours (caramel and apricot, in 3 base colours as warranted) were accepted in PER, EXO, BRI and Folds. There was slight amendment to the Maine Coon coat description (removing the reference to anything oily as perhaps desirable!)
ACF has a new Treasurer, Robbie Walker, of Queensland. Margaret Bush is thanked for her sterling service over many years in this position. The ACF provisional Victorian member body (CVI) was given full recognition by the AGM and we hope that very soon both of the CCCA Victorian bodies will finally participate in 'open doors'.
The 2012 40th anniversary ACF National planning is well under way, with Melbourne the chosen venue. It will be run by a nation-wide team of experienced show management personnel and we hope that in true WCC spirit, all CCCA member bodies will allow their members to participate.
Lesley Morgan-Blythe
Co-Ordinating Cat Council of Australia
In June at our six monthly meeting in Melbourne of all Member Bodies a number of motions were passed and ratified. Issues include those which follow.
DNA testing Collection Protocol was tabled, now to be implemented.
The CCCA Breeds Council is to develop a general protocol for breeds that use domestics as allowable outcrosses. This, without the loss of breed status. (Devon Rex, Munchkin, Scottish Fold, La Perm and Manx.
CCCA now recognise Turkish Angoras for full Championship status.
July was the month of our big National show. The event was over two days in Sydney hosted by our New South Wales member body NSWCFA. The show was an outstanding success with a record number of entries. International and National judges officiated over the six rings.

Jaygee Luscious Lollipop
A magnificent Exotic kitten, Jaygee Luscious Lollipop, born in January & bred by Joanne Greentree was Supreme Exhibit.
Following in August was our annual two day National Judges Conference; it was once again most beneficial to our judge’s panel. This wonderful weekend was organised by our Queensland member body. CFCCQ in Brisbane.
Topics included “Latest developments in FIP Research”, “Coat texture and colour expression”, “Q Fever and cats” “Bi-Colour Orientals and Siamese”. “Turkish Angoras V’s Turkish Vans”, “LaPerms”, “Singapuras”, “Tonkinese” and “All Breeds Expressions”.
On behalf of CCCA I sincerely thank the South African Cat Council for their wonderful hospitality in July when they acted as hosts for the WCC meeting. The organisation and professionalism of all events and functions staged was second to none.
Cheryle Uren
President FCCV
Vice President WCC
Governing Council of the Cat Fancy
The Latest Jewels in the GCCF’s crown
Our first Olympian Bronze Winners.

UK & Olympian Bronze
Imperial Grand Premier
Coontastic Nijinsky
Owned by Steven & Jill Bunce,
bred by Rocco & Angie Barletta

Olympian Bronze
Imperial Grand Champion
& Imperial Grand Premier
Danleigh Starburst
Owned & bred by Jean Wormald
The Future is Looking Bright

Our Young Exhibitor Scheme is flourishing with 21 candidates working through the programme at Novice and now Intermediate Level ... their enthusiasm and commitment is very encouraging – Well Done!
In September we launched our own printed quarterly “News & Views” to keep everyone informed of all things GCCF. The Winter edition is coming out in December so make sure you pick up your copy.
Coming soon to a computer near you

The GCCF is proud to announce the imminent launch of our brand new website. We are very grateful to Marcia Owen for all the work she does for us as Webmaster and now she is designing the new site together with Mike Barrett.
Everything you need from registration, organising a prefix, finding your show reports, information about GCCF committees, our Breeding Policy etc. is there for you on www.gccfcats.org at the touch of a button. You can also subscribe to updates by emailing gccfwebsitesubs@gmail.com.
The International Cat Association
TICA Board of Directors advances 3 new breeds
At the September, 2011 Annual meeting of the TICA Board of Directors, three breeds advanced in TICA’s New Breed program:

TICA Kurilian Bobtail
The Kurilian Bobtail moves to Advanced New Breed as of May 1, 2012.
The Kurilian Bobtail is a natural breed of cat tracing its origins to the Russian Island of Sakhalin and to the Kuril Islands, an archipelago of approximately 56 volcanic islands; stretching 700 miles between the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka and the Japanese island Hokkaido.
It is documented in Russia that cats with short tails have been on the islands for at least 200 years and were brought back to central Russia in the middle of the 20th century by members of the military or scientists.
Because of their natural instinct for hunting they are popular as a domesticated feline in Russia for their mousing abilities.

TICA Khao Manee
The Khao Manee, a natural breed and native to Thailand was advanced to Preliminary New Breed.
This breed is one of the four original Thai breeds.
Khao Manee literally translated means “white gem”.
A pure white cat, it is known for its beautiful blue or odd eyes.
For hundreds of years the breed was rigorously protected and only Thai royalty were permitted to breed them. The most devoted royal was King Rama V.
The history of the great breeds is still taught in Thai schools.

TICA Naploeon
The Naploeon, a hybrid cat, developed from the Munchkin and Persian.
It has a fully rounded head and face, with large and round eyes, set moderately apart.
Unlike the Persian, it has a straight and broad nose, and which is not flattened.
The most important characteristic is its short legs, which is the gene inherited from the Munchkin.
It has a plush coat that can be either short or long.
The New Zealand Cat Fancy
Ragdoll HCM Proposal
The NZCF has agreed to implement a proposal by the Ragdoll breeders which will require that all breeding Ragdolls be DNA tested for the HCM gene and results submitted prior to or when registering litters.
Homozygous cats may not be bred from. Heterozygous cats may be bred to clear cats until March 2013 to allow for breeding replacement clear progeny, and only clear progeny may be registered ‘for breeding’.
No litters will be registered from matings using heterozygous cats that have taken place after 1st March 2013.
This plan was breeder-initiated and will result in time in a Ragdoll population clear of the HCM gene.
Longest Serving Judge
NZCF is pleased to acknowledge and honour its longest serving judge Suzanne Gordon. Sue is an all breeds judge who has now served the Cat Fancy as a judge for 50 years and is still actively judging. She is not only the longest serving judge in New Zealand, but possibly the world. Sue has bred various breeds in the past including Siamese, Burmese and British, and currently breeds Persians and Exotics.
Zena Pigden
NZCF (Inc.) Chairman